Introducing DIGIT Workbench

Implementing products built on the DIGIT platform requires engineering capacity to set up the system and add necessary data before going live. There is an increasing demand for low-cost, high-velocity implementations. The Health Campaign Management product built on DIGIT has received demand for at least 5 implementations to be executed by Q1 FY 24 as of Q1 FY 23-24.

Workbench v1 is the first step towards achieving the goal of “Self-serve code-free setup of DIGIT applications on the cloud”.

Goal: Enable senior engineer with extensive experience on DIGIT to add and manage master data for HCM products through UI.

While workbench will work for all DIGIT applications, in this version the focus is to test it out with HCM because HCM has a high demand for implementations in geographies that have very low to none DIGIT-experienced engineers and a very short runway of time to go live. Read More


Eliminate the need for code to be written to add and manage master and system data in the DIGIT HCM application.


Enable senior implementation engineer with experience in DIGIT and the DIGIT-HCM product to add and manage master and localization data through UI.

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