FAQ :: On Localisation Screens
Last updated
Last updated
To add a new localisation entry, follow these steps:
Go to the Localisation Add Screen:
Navigate to the screen designated for adding localisation entries.
Input Language and Module Name:
In the appropriate fields, enter the desired language and module name.
Enter Keycode and Message:
Provide the keycode and message value in their respective fields. For example:
Keycode: TEST
Message: TEST
See the Image Below:
Save the Data:
Once you have entered the keycode and message, click on the "Save" button to save the data.
Verify the Entry:
Navigate to the Localization Search screen to verify the entry you just added. You should see the keycode TEST
with the message TEST
See the Image given below:
By following these steps, you can successfully add and verify new localization entries in the system.
To add a new module, follow these steps:
Navigate to Manage Master Data:
Go to the "Manage Master Data" section of the application.
Provide Module and Master Name:
Enter the module name and master name. For example, you might use:
Module Name: Common Masters
Master Name: State Info
View the Master Data:
View the master data as shown in the image provided below.
Add Localization Modules:
Choose "Add Localization Modules" from the options.
Enter the label and value for the localization. For example:
Update the Master Data:
Click on "Update" to save the changes.
By following these steps, you can successfully add a new module and update its localization details.