User Stories

MDMS Master Data Homepage


  1. Select Master

  2. Add new master data

    • Redirect to the “add master data” page

  3. Search section

  4. View all section

  5. Navigation options

    • Add New

    • Search

    • Clear Search

    • Select an object

    • Click on edit against an object

    • Pagination navigation

  6. Variations

    • First-time load

Add Master Data


  1. Dynamically rendered form

    • Order of fields

      • In the order of the schema

    • Labels

      • Will be the keys in the schema

    • Input field type

      • Will be dynamically generated based on the schema type

  2. Add Localization

    • Default behavior - For every master data created create a localization entry too

      • Keycode - system generated

      • Locale - en_IN

      • Value - keycode

    • If the user clicks on add localization, here is the flow

  3. Save

    • Save one of

    • Save and add another

  4. Dependency

    • Some masters have a dependency on others to be added as a prerequisite

Data Input Fields

Render UI for adding fields

non-editable key-value

  • For values that are non-editable / view-only

Text input, mandatory

  • For all text input fields

  • If mandatory then the key label will be highlighted and a prompt shown for violation upon submission

Text input, validation

  • If there are any validations then the key label will be highlighted and a prompt shown for violation upon submission

  • If referencing another master data set then the drop-down should show the list of objects from the referenced set

    • The text that will be displayed will be the <title of object> from the master data that is referenced; The same as the first column in the view/search results section

Boolean selection

  • For all boolean data types in the schema

Input, Date type

  • Where the input type is the date

  • Any validations should restrict the range of the calendar.

    • Example: If a date outside a given range of dates is selected raise a prompt for the same; Alternately restrict the selection of such a date too


  • Card for all “object” data types

  • The length of the card will depend on the fields inside the object

  • All fields/properties of the object will be rendered in the UI

  • The fields inside the box will use the same components as above

  • All arrays will have the same UI component

  • The user should be able to minimize the array, and in a minimized state be able to see the title of the array

  • All array boxes will have a +Add “title of the array” button to add new entities to the array itself

    • No order for removing entities added to the array

  • Until the whole form is saved, any object in the array can be edited/removed

Array of objects

  • All arrays will have the same UI component

  • The user should be able to minimize the array, and in a minimized state be able to see the title of the array

  • All array boxes will have a +Add “title of the array” button to add new entities to the array itself

    • No order for removing entities added to the array

  • Until the whole form is saved, any object in the array can be edited/removed

  • Each object box ll have the properties of the “Object” UI component as detailed in the object section

    • The fields inside each array will be the same and will be rendered based on the properties/keys in the object schema

Add Localisation

Add localisation for master data while creating master data


  1. Add localization

    • Code - system generated

    • Select Language - select from the list of “locale”s in the tenant

    • Text - Mandatory field

  2. Adding localization for multiple languages

    • Repeat the same process by selecting each language

Search Master Data


  1. Search

    • Search fields

      • Search fields will be custom-defined for each master - Some master data objects have objects/array of objects inside them, search parameter cannot be a value in this hierarchy; Example: productVariantId inside resources for a projectType master data

      • Type of search fields

        • Text

        • Selection - If the property in the master data object has a reference then the search input will also be a selection-based dropdown

      • Labels for the search fields will be picked from the value of the key of the property that is selected

  2. Clear search - Will clear the entered values in the search input boxes and also the results to default

  3. View Search results

    • Search results

      • Default - By default will load all the objects in the corresponding master

    • Order of listing - Search results will be listed in ascending order(A-Z) of the first column when the page loads

    • List of columns to be displayed- Will be customized for each master

    • Sorting - Sorting will be available for every column

  4. Variations - No results found

View All


  1. Columns

    • List of columns to be shown - Will be custom-defined for each master

    • Order of columns - Will be custom-defined for each master

  2. Rows

    • Number of items in the row - As per the DIGIT UI design system

    • Edit option - Every row object will have an edit icon, that will redirect to the “Update” page for the corresponding object

View One


  1. View the object’s details - Page layout will be the same as the “add new” page - except all fields will be non-editable

  2. Navigation options - Update

Edit & Update Master Data


  1. Object details

    • The page will be rendered as the add new page - except there won’t be an option for “Save and Add Another”

    • Disable

  2. Navigation options

    • Save

Last updated

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