Proposed Solution

Proposed Solution

Core solution

Dynamically generated UI for system users to perform key implementation tasks that currently require software code to be written by engineers.

Generic Concept of Workbench v1

Prerequisites & Constraints

  1. Services being available and providing JSONSchema

  2. UI library for v1 is built based on master data for HCM - so the components available will only address the master data types that cover all of HCM masters


In ScopeOut Of Scope
  1. Tenant management through UI Edit Tenant Data

  2. UI for masters managed by MDMS service Dynamically rendered Add, Search, View and Update master data pages

  3. UI components for fields to “Add” master data

  4. Link to Other master-data Services(Employees, localization, boundary, projects etc)

  5. Master specific fields for search and view all pages

  1. Tenant Master tenant creation Child tenant creation

  2. Generate localization key and add to localization service while “Adding” data

  3. Link to add localization data while adding new master data

  4. Custom UI for a master

  5. Upload files

  6. Add master data in bulk

Last updated

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