Why Workbench?

Concept note


Implementing products built on the DIGIT platform requires engineering capacity to set up the system and add necessary data before going live.

There is an increasing demand for low-cost, high-velocity implementations. The “Health Campaign Management'' product built on DIGIT has received demand for at least 5 implementations to be executed by Q1 FY 24 as of Q1 FY 23-24.

What is an implementation?

It is the rollout of a product built on DIGIT (either a reference application or a newly developed application) in a new business context for geography.


{Bednet campaign} on {HCM platform} in {Mozambique} {Malaria vaccine} on {HCM platform} in {Liberia}

{FSM} on {Sanitation platform} in {Indonesia}

Engineering tasks as part of implementation -

  1. Build/modify domain services

  2. Modify fields in registries

  3. Modify layout and elements in UI

  4. Install and deploy services

  5. Add and manage master data

  6. Add and manage non-transactional seed data


The implementation currently requires “engineers” with working experience in DIGIT and HCM. This is both expensive and limits the number of implementations that can be handled and the time to go live for each implementation.


Enable a non-tech/low-tech user to set up one or more DIGIT applications on a fully manager cloud infra with the ability to customize the application, features and registries to their context, all through UI and without a single line of code.

Proposed Solution

Core solution

UI to set up a new account with DIGIT services and dynamically generated UI for system users to perform key implementation tasks that currently require software code to be written by engineers.

End-state flow:

Key Components / Abilities

  1. Generate forms (UI) based on schema and push data entered in the forms to corresponding API endpoints

  2. Open to access for all services

  3. UI to add/remove fields from the registries

  4. UI to update forms

  5. Spin up a DIGIT service from a web portal


  1. Standardized JSONSchema for services

  2. UI-Schema Library

  3. UI-templates for forms

  4. Codified rules for updating registry structure

  5. UI to initiate “primary-tenant”

  6. Deploy selected services

  7. UI to trigger the installer

  8. Master-tenant creation and management

  9. Delineation of tenants

Maturity Model

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

UI to manage master data and system data

UI to customize forms(limited)

UI based installation and setup


Senior engineer - eGov Solution Engineering Team

Add and manage master and system data for HCM

Feasibility & Effort - TBD


HCM Solutioning Team

v1 + create new tenants for HCM ; customize UI for each master data with UI schema


Trained non-egov BA

Modify application* - add/remove fields to forms

Last updated

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